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Wellbeing and Connection in Textile Art by Claire Wellesley-Smith
Following on from Slow Stitch, author Claire Wellesley-Smith considers the importance of connection and ideas around wellbeing when using textiles for individuals and communities.
Resilient fabrics that can be manipulated, stressed, withstand tension and be made anew are recommended throughout the book, as well as techniques such as layering, patching, reinforcing, re-stitching and mending. Plus ideas for the inclusion of everyday materials in your work.
An extended chapter called 'Emotional' finds ways to link your emotional health with your textile practice, and 'Community' suggests ways to make connections with others in your regular textile work. 'Landscape' has a range of suggestions and examples of immersing your work in the local landscape, a terrific way to find meaning in your work and a sense of place.