Seahorse Soiree Biscornu Cross Stitch Chart by Heartstring Samplery

Seahorse Soiree Biscornu Cross Stitch Chart by Heartstring Samplery

Regular price $20.00 Sale

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Beth says:
"I am officially on the fan bandwagon of those seemingly mysterious pincushions called Biscornu. The shape fascinates me. Once I completed my first, I just couldn't seem to stop. You can expect many more in the years to come. The finishing really isn’t difficult at all. If you’ve done a square or rectangle pincushion by hand, then this should be the next natural step for you. This particular Biscornu is an ode to one of my favorite places on planet Earth: the ocean. It features creatures that live in saltwater, but my imagination added fanciful and bubbly music playing because the Seahorses have asked their best friends to a dance party. On the invite list: a mermaid who rides in on the tail of her favorite whale, a variety of fishes, some turtles, crabs, and of course, an assortment of jellyfish, who try very hard to steal the attention of everyone in attendance with their moves. "

Stitch Count: 91 x 91 each side

Model stitched with one thread over two.

Graham Cracker Fabrics : Sugar Cookie, 32 count

Classic Colorworks: Chesapeake Bay, Honeycomb, Mossy, Tennessee Red Clay, Trail Dust

Weeks Dye Works: Blue Spruce, Conch, Gunmetal, Pebble

Conversion to DMC included inside.