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This design by Long Dog features simple designs of trees, horses, birds, bees, rams, squirrels, a hot air balloon, and at the center, a house with a couple holding hands. All of these surround a cross word puzzle design with the words "love","roots", "family", "life", "me", "you", and "us" connected to one another.
Model can be stitch on 14ct, 16ct, 18ct Aida or 28ct, 32ct, 38ct linen on the color of your choice using DMC thread. You will only need one color thread. If you are working on the 14ct Aida or 28ct Linen you will need 10 skeins, if you are working on 16ct Aida or 32ct Linen you will need 9 skeins, and if you are working on 18ct Aida or 36ct Linen you will need 4 skeins.
Stitch count is 221 x 169.