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Hands Across the Sea Samplers are delighted to present to you the 2020 Queen of the May the stunning band sampler Mary Carter 1712.
Mary is one of the most beautiful band samplers that we have ever seen and therefore very fittingly named Queen of the May! Stitch count is 230 x 450 stitches.
Mary’s stunning band sampler has been reproduced with Au Ver à Soie silks from their Soie 100.3 range on 46ct Lakeside Linen in Vintage Fawn. The linen’s colour is between DMC shades 3033 and 3782. The spool quantities listed are those used in stitching the model. Much silk was used in padding the satin stitched areas. We have provided conversions for Soie d’Alger and DMC.
100.3 / d’Alger / DMC ~ Colour Description
072 x 3 / 5384 x 4 / 3766 x 3 ~ Peacock blue ~ light
080 x 3 / F07 x 4 / 746 x 3 ~ Off white
152 x 4 / 2145 x 6 / 581 x 4 ~ Moss green
154 x 3 / 3812 x 4 / 738 x 3 ~ Tan ~ very light
199 x 3 / 2223 x 4 / 166 x 3 ~ Moss green ~ medium light
222x 4 / 3045 x 6 / 915 x 4 ~ Plum ~ dark
621 x 1 / 1811 x 1 / 747 x 1 ~ Sky blue ~ very light
776 x 2 / 542 x 3 / 726 x 2 ~ Topaz ~ light
Linen Sizes
The original sampler measures 8 1/16th inches x 18 inches which equates to 58/50 ct. The closest linen to the original sampler will be 60/52ct
The design area is 230 stitches (w) x 450 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3″ margin for finishing and framing.
28ct: Design: 16.43″ x 32.14″ Fabric: 22.43″ x 38.14″
32ct: Design: 14.38″ x 28.13″ Fabric: 20.38″ x 34.13″
36ct: Design: 12.78″ x 25.00″ Fabric: 18.78″ x 31.00″
40ct: Design: 11.50″ x 22.50″ Fabric: 17.50″ x 28.50″
46ct: Design: 10.00″ x 19.57″ Fabric: 16.00″ x 25.57″
56ct: Design: 8.21″ x 16.07″ Fabric: 14.21″ x 22.07″
60/52ct: Design: 7.67″ x 17.31″ Fabric: 13.67″ x 23.31″